БОРОДА Абрам Шурович (RU),СНОПАК Сергей Иванович (RU),ШЕСТАКОВ Дмитрий Владимирович (RU),БАЙКОВ Александр Сергеевич (RU)
ESSAYThe invention relates to medical engineering, in particular, to a device for temporarily stopping bleeding from a limb, and can be used for the compression of the main blood vessels as the limbs and torso to temporarily stop the bleeding, as well as during medical operations to reduce intraoperative blood loss .Electronic-pneumatic tourniquet comprising a sleeve adapted to fit over the part of the patient and provided with a pressure measuring means body and pneumatically coupled to this cuff air compressor configured vozsozhnostyu feeding into it the compressed air for compression of said body portion and a stop in the blood flow and a microcontroller, electrically connected to the air compressor and the pressure measuring means, to supply to them the control signals for controlling the supply of compressed air to the cuff establishing and maintaining therein a desired pressure, comprising at least two additional pneumatic cuff adapted to putting a portion of the patient and provided with pressure sensing means of the body, the air compressor pneumatically coupled to each of said additional sleeves and adapted to individually feed the compressed air into them, and the microcontroller is configured to individually control supply of compressed air to the cuff to the establishment and maintenance in each desired pressure.РЕФЕРАТПолезная модель относится к медицинской технике, в частности, к устройствам для временной остановки кровотечения из конечности, и может быть использована для сдавливания магистральных кровеносных сосудов как конечностей, так и туловища с целью временной остановки кровотечения, а также при проведении медицинских операций для уменьшения операционной кровопотери.Электронно-пневматический кровоостанавливающий жгут, содержащий манжету, выполненную с возможностью надевания на часть тела пациента и снабженную средствами измерения давления, и пневматически соединенный с этой манжетой воздушный компрессор, выполненный с возсожностью подачи в нее с