The present invention relates to a bait trap (1) generally for crawling insects, such as ants, cockroaches, silverfish, etc., comprising a bottom sheet (2) and a top sheet (3) attached to one another in a leak-tight manner at their respective edges (4) forming an enclosure (5) for holding bait (6), and at least one inlet (7, 7’) communicating with the enclosure and sized so that the target insect can access the enclosure and reach the bait. The bottom and top sheets also form a bait reservoir (8) connected with the enclosure through an initially obstructed passage (9) suitable for being opened and allowing transferring bait from the reservoir to the enclosure in response to a pressure increase in the reservoir as the reservoir is being pressed using one’s fingers.本創作為一種昆蟲誘捕器,通常用以防止例如螞蟻、蟑螂、蠹蟲等爬行昆蟲,其包含一底板(2);一頂板(3)與底板(2)相互連接,於底板(2)與頂板(3)相對應之邊緣(4)設有防漏結構,於底板(2)與頂板(3)內部形成一用以容納誘餌(6)的容置區(5);至少一入口(7、7),與容置區(5)相連通,使昆蟲得以經由至少一入口(7、7)進入容置區(5)並接觸到誘餌(6);一儲槽(8),形成於底板(2)與頂板(3)之間,儲槽(8)藉由一可打開之封閉的通道(9)與容置區(5)連接,將通道(9)打開後,由手指擠壓儲槽(8),藉由儲槽(8)內壓力的升高,可使儲槽(8)中的誘餌被輸送至容置區(5)內。1‧‧‧昆蟲誘捕器2‧‧‧底板3‧‧‧頂板4‧‧‧邊緣5‧‧‧容置區6‧‧‧誘餌7‧‧‧入口8‧‧‧儲槽9‧‧‧通道11‧‧‧可移除部13‧‧‧液滴14‧‧‧橫肋15‧‧‧走道17‧‧‧投影位置19‧‧‧預剪件