Summary fish hatch fluid cosmetic compositions The present invention relates to pharmaceutical or cosmetic fish hatch fluid compositions obtained or obtainable comprising polypeptides or portions thereof and the use of said compositions in various medical and cosmetic skin applications, especially for moisturizing the skin and / or exfoliating the horny layer of the skin for treating or preventing skin disorders or conditions in an animal. abstract the present invention relates to pharmaceutical or cosmetic compositions obtained or obtainable from fish hatching fluid comprising polypeptides or portions thereof and the use of said compositions in various medical and cosmetic applications to the skin, particularly for moisturizing skin and / or for exfoliation of the horny layer of the skin for treating or preventing skin disorders or conditions in an animal.resumo composições cosméticas de fluido de eclosão de peixe a presente invenção se refere a composições farmacêuticas ou cosméticas obtidas ou obteníveis de fluido de eclosão de peixe compreendendo polipeptídeos ou porções dos mesmos e o uso das referidas composições em várias aplicações médicas e cosméticas para a pele, em especial para hidratação da pele e/ou esfoliação da camada córnea da pele para o tratamento ou a prevenção de distúrbios de pele ou condições em um animal. abstract the present invention relates to pharmaceutical or cosmetic compositions obtained or obtainable from fish hatching fluid comprising polypeptides or portions thereof and the use of said compositions in various medical and cosmetic applications to the skin, particularly for moisturizing skin and/or for exfoliation of the horny layer of the skin for treating or preventing skin disorders or conditions in an animal.