Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение "Всероссийский научно-исследовательский институт электрификации сельского хозяйства" (ФГБНУ ВИЭСХ) (RU)
Камайданов Евгений Николаевич (RU),Ковалев Дмитрий Александрович (RU)
1. A method of producing a gaseous energy carrier and organomineral fertilizers from bedded manure, according to which the initial manure is subsequently heated, preliminarily fermented at a temperature of at least 42-43 ° C, mechanically separated into solid and liquid fractions, followed by heating and processing of the liquid fraction in an anaerobic biofilter with obtaining effluent and biogas, moreover, the effluent is used as a coolant for preheating the initial substrate, and the solid fraction is mixed with quicklime, it is dried and used to prepare organic fertilizers, characterized in that the preliminary fermentation is carried out in aerobic mode with a temperature of at least 50 ° C and obtaining moist oxygen-containing gas, the separation of fermented manure into fractions is carried out in adiabatic mode after regenerative heat exchange with liquid fraction during its anaerobic biofiltration, moist oxygen-containing gas is drained by heat exchange with the outer enclosing surface with an anaerobic biofilter, it is compressed to a pressure of at least 0.3 MPa and is used for additional disinfection and de-ammonization of the effluent to produce an ammonia-containing gas, the ammonia-containing gas being mixed with a dried solid fraction. 2. A device for producing gaseous energy carrier and organomineral fertilizers from bedded manure, containing the main heat exchanger connected by pipelines, a pre-fermentation bioreactor, a mechanical thickener of fermented manure, the output of which is1. Способ получения газообразного энергоносителя и органоминеральных удобрений из бесподстилочного навоза, согласно которому исходный навоз последовательно подвергается нагреву, предварительному сбраживанию при температуре не менее 42-43°С, механическому разделению на твердую и жидкую фракции с последующими нагревом и обработкой жидкой фракции в анаэробном биофильтре с получением эффлюента и биогаза, причем эффлюент используется в качестве теплоносителя для предварител