This invention is related to a phenol-quinone therapy that shrinks tumors and transforms cancer cells. The therapy include four phases. In phase 1: cleansing poisons from the body, autologous melting, purifying five fluids, enhancing macro circulation, strengthening spirit. In phase 2: tuning qi in the body, fiber melting, purifying five qi, scavenging free radicals, enhance oxygen and vitality. In phase 3: nourishing the body, vitality melting, purifying the mind, enhancing micro circulation, enhancing immunity. And in phase 4: nourishing the body and blood, phenol-quinone melting, oxidizing tumors, transforming cancer cells, regenerating new cells.This therapeutic treatment method has little side effect. By changing the in vivo condition, it inhibits cancer cell growth and proliferation, enhances circulation inside human body, expels toxins accumulated in the human body, shrinks tumors, and transforms cancer cells. It results in curing cancer without using medicine and gives the patient a chance to live.