Solid oral dosage form Unitary Tablet comprising a Core and an outer coating, wherein the core comprises alisquireno or a Salt thereof, and Coating in a Coating Film, useful for the treatment of a disease or condition in a Pediatric population.
Unitary Solid oral dosage form in the form of a Tablet that has a Core and an outer coating,Where the core and the coating comprises alisquireno in film form possesses Properties of disguising our taste and / or functionality of controlled release, useful for treating hypertensionAmong others.<;p>;Forma de dosificació;n unitaria só;lida oral en forma de una tableta que tiene un nú;cleo y un recubrimiento externo, donde el nú;cleo comprende alisquireno y el recubrimiento en forma de pelí;cula posee propiedades enmascaradoras del sabor y/o una funcionalidad de liberació;n controlada, ú;til para tratar hipertensió;n, entre otras.<;/p>;