When the type is to be changed from serum (preceding sample) to urine (current sample), “serum” is set to a preceding type and “urine” is set to a measurement type at number 1 in a condition number. At condition number 1, the wash type is pattern 1, with washing performed once with detergent 1. Where the preceding sample is serum and the current sample is CSF, the condition number is 2 and the wash type is pattern 2, with washing performed twice using detergent 1 and once with detergent 2. Where the preceding sample is urine and the current sample is CSF, the condition number is 3 and the wash type is pattern 3, with washing performed once with detergent 1, once with detergent 2, and once with water. In the case of pattern 4, washing is performed three times with detergent 1.