Foldable vasco-occlusive member
- 专利权人:
- 发明人:
- 申请号:
- EP12160760.0
- 公开号:
- EP2478850A3
- 申请日:
- 2003.05.13
- 申请国别(地区):
- EP
- 年份:
- 2012
- 代理人:
- 摘要:
- Vaso-occlusive devices (50(1)) for occlusion of a body cavity are provided. The vaso-occlusive devices (50(1)) include an elongate vaso-occlusive member (12) having one or more key-ways (54a, 54b) and one or more fold lines (15c). Methods of using the vaso-occlusive devices are also described.
- 来源网站:
- 中国工程科技知识中心