A braided suture fiducial metallic marker system includes a braided suturefiducial metallic marker system includes a metallic marker, a multiplicity ofsuturethreads (absorbable or non-absorbable), braided with one another andencapsulating themarker, and a needle disposed at a distal end of the multiplicity of threadsand a needledisposed at an opposite distal end. In this regard, a portion of the braidedsuture threadsin which the marker is encapsulated may be visually demarcated with acontrasting color.As well, the marker may define a cavity which may in turn, contain aradioactivematerial. As another option, a single one of the multiplicity of suturethreads may extendthrough one end of the cavity to another end of the cavity so that the singleone of themultiplicity of threads is braided with others of the multiplicity of suturethreads.