No effective vaccine exists for the devastating parasitic disease of Schistosomiasis. The present invention focuses on Sm-p80, a functionally important antigen of Schistosoma mansoni that plays a pivotal role in the schistosome immune evasion process. When used in a novel vaccine formulation, Sm-p80 demonstrates consistent immunogenicity, protective potential, and antifecundity effects. Two novel DNA constructs were made for immunization purposes. Sm-p80 coding sequence was cloned into VR 1020. Additionally, Sm-p80 coding sequence was cloned into pcDNA3.1 with flanking CpG motifs on each end of the Sm-p80 sequence. When used in different vaccine formulations, both of the constructs demonstrate the superior antifecundity and anti-worm effects of Sm-p80, which has great potential as an important vaccine candidate for the reduction of the morbidity associated with schistosome infection.