The present invention relates to city-type rice paddy and field to use rice paddy and field in the city. A first floor is the rice paddy and a second floor is a sweet potato field. A wheel is under the present invention, to make the city-type rice paddy and field easy to move and travel place. In addition, a driver&primes seat is very easy and convenient to travel, and C is the driver&primes seat.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017또 도시에서도 논과밭을 사용할수 있도록 도시형 논과 밭을 만들어 봤다 1층은 논이고 2층은 고구마 밭이다 밑에 바퀴가 달려 있어서 장소를 옮기고 움직이는데 편하게 했다.운전석이 있어서 이동하는데 아주 용이하고 편리하게 했다.C는 운전석이다