Treatment process of plant products before or after Harvest with phosphonic acid and essential oil; composition comprising phosphonic acid and essential oil.
The invention relates to the pre- or post harvest fungicidal and/or bactericidal treatment of plant products, using at least phosphonic acid that is at least partially salified and eugenol or clove oil, at ambient temperature, as well as to the compositions suitable for said method.<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE AL TRATAMIENTO FUNGICIDA Y/O BACTERICIDA DE LOS PRODUCTOS VEGETALES ANTES O DESPUÉ;S DE LA COSECHA POR MEDIO DEL Á;CIDO FOSFÓ;NICO AL MENOS PARCIALMENTE SALIFICADO Y UN ACEITE ESENCIAL O DE UNO DEL(DE LOS) AGENTE(S) TERPÉ;NICO(S) QUE EL MISMO CONTIENE, Y/O SUS MEZCLAS, A TEMPERATURA AMBIENTE, ASÍ; COMO A LAS COMPOSICIONES ADAPTADAS A ESTE PROCESO.<;/p>;