Water-soluble supplement feed with probiotics, vitamin C and essential oils to boost immune ability, reduce the chance of pathogenic micro-organisms in the digestive tract and improve production parameters in poultry. they work synergistically and significantly improve the animal's immune capacity, their health status, prevent the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms into animals and improve the production parameters of breeding. Probiotics regulate the pH of individual gastrointestinal sequences, promote the growth of beneficial microflora in the gastrointestinal tract, and promote joint metabolic and immune activity. Vitamin C significantly contributes to the mitigation of the negative effects of stress, improves appetite, feed conversion and growth, reduces mortality, etc. In order to enhance the action of probiotics and vitamin C, the invention contains natural cinnamon essential oil, which acts as an antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, enhances the animal's immune response and consequently improves production parameters. By the method and method of application of the present invention, each animal is given at least 4.67x10 per 5 CFU of Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii, 2 mg of Vitamin C and 0.033 mg of natural cinnamon essential oil during administration.Vodotopna dopolnilna krmna mešanica s probiotiki, vitaminom C in eteričnimi olji za spodbujanje imunske sposobnosti, za zmanjšanje možnosti naseljevanja patogenih mikroorganizmov v prebavnem traktu in izboljšanje proizvodnih parametrov pri perutnini obsega kompleksno sestavo aktivnih učinkovin, ki same po sebi vplivajo na posamezne segmente reje, skupaj pa delujejo sinergistično in bistveno izboljšajo imunsko sposobnost živali, njihovo zdravstveno stanje, preprečijo naseljevanje patogenih mikroorganizmov vprebavilih živali in izboljšajo proizvodne parametre reje. Probiotiki regulirajo pH vrednost posameznih sekvenc prebavil, spodbujajo rast koristne mikroflore v prebavilih ter pospešujejo skupno m