C: NRPortbl DCC GRS 5067427_l.DOC-II.04.2013 ARGYRANTHEMUM INTERGENERIC HYBRID PLANTS AND METHODS OF PRODUCTION New plants were created from a new and efficient method of intergeneric hybridization between a plant from the group L versicolor and Glebionis sp. as a female parent and a plant from the genus Argyranthemum as a male parent. The plants were created by rescuing an embryo from the cross-pollination of a plant from the group L versicolor and Glebionis sp. as a female parent with an Argyranthemum male parent. The invention also describes a method for infecting hybrid plants with a virus and a viroid to modify plant phenotype. In addition to providing the intergeneric hybrid plants and parts thereof, the invention provides methods for making such plants and methods for creating other intergeneric hybrid plants and self plants from normally self-incompatible plants.