An implantable bone plate (22) for use with a plurality of attachment screws(28) for treating a fracture of a bone (30)in a mammalian body is provided. The implantable bone plate includes anelongate body (32) extending along a longitudinal axis (34)and having substantially parallel outer and inner surfaces (48,50). Aplurality of holes (64) is spaced longitudinally along the elongatebody and extended between the first and second surfaces. The plurality ofholes is adapted to receive the plurality of attachmentscrews. The inner surface (50) of the elongate body is provided with at leastone recess (72) for receiving an eluting material (74)that treats the mammalian body after implantation of the elongate body in themammalian body. Additionally, the elongate body isprovided with at least one access hole (78) extending through the outersurface to the at least one recess for permitting introductionof the eluting material into the at least one recess.