Грязнов Николай Анатольевич (RU),Лопота Александр Витальевич (RU),Сенчик Константин Юрьевич (RU),Тарасов Александр Эдуардович (RU),Харламов Вячеслав Валентинович (RU)
The invention relates to the field of medical equipment for emergency resuscitation and is an automated apparatus that replaces a person when performing chest compressions in a complex cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) procedures.The automated chest compression device and the limbs includes a DC motor that generates torque, a pair of ball screw, which converts the torque into linear motion, and by means of screw ball screw exerts pressure on the patients HA. Control of the compression force is carried by the force sensor. Compression patients lower limb by means of a system of 2 automatic pneumatic harness. Evaluating the effectiveness of the compression mode carried out by measuring the blood pressure of the patient by non-invasive pressure sensors disposed in the cuffs harnesses. Information processing on an integral blood pressure is carried out in a noninvasive blood pressure measuring unit. Target operating mode, issuing control signals and control the operating parameters is carried out with a display control system. Convert control signals to the actuator currents in kardiokopressora for motor control performed by the motor driver. For battery life kardiokopressora a source of autonomous power. Fastening kardiokopressora to the patient by means of the support plate and the belt is adjustable in length.The technical result of the utility model is to reduce the weight and size characteristics of the device for removing the restrictions on use of the device to patients of different body, enhancing the effectiveness of CPR.Полезная модель относится к области медицинской техники для экстренной реанимации и представляет собой автоматизированное устройство, заменяющее человека при выполнении непрямого массажа сердца в комплексе процедур сердечно-легочной реанимации (СЛР).Автоматизированное устройство компрессии грудной клетки и конечностей включает двигатель постоянного тока, который создает вращательный момент, шарико-винтовую пару, которая преобразует момент вра