Detachment of a medical device from a delivery assembly can be electrolyticand provideflushing with an infusion of fluid to enhance detachment procedures. A deviceproviding suchcapabilities can include a catheter having a lumen; a core member extendingthrough the lumen;an implant attached to the core member by an electrolytic detachment junction,the detachmentjunction being radially adjacent to an electrode within the lumen; and a pumpin fluidcommunication with a distal end region of the catheter through the lumen, thepump beingconfigured to provide a flow of a fluid between the return electrode and thedetachment junction.The implant can be positioned at a target location. The electrode can bepositioned radiallyadjacent to the detachment junction. A voltage potential is applied while afluid is flushedbetween the detachment junction and the electrode through the lumen of thecatheter.