leveling of agricultural planting strips. the mechanization of farmland (plowing, harrowing, furrowing and subsoiling) in family farming, especially in the northeastern semiarid, has been disoriented in terms of soil topography. this practice reduced manual labor, but caused soil impoverishment, reduced production and productivity, degrading not only the environment, but also the economy of those who practiced it, making it a detrimental activity. with the use of the "leveling of agricultural planting strips" it is expected to reverse this situation, with the mechanization in level strips, forming leveled grooves or gutters to retain and maintain rainwater and nutrients in the roots of the plants for longer , allowing for better and greater growth. therefore, the recovery will be promoted not only of the degraded environment, but also of the economy, becoming a sustainable activity, from the environmental, economic and social points of view. the said leveler consists of graduated scales located on vertical rods and transparent vertical and horizontal hoses with water inside to carry out the measurements of the points in the planting ranges.nivelador de faixas de plantio agricola . a mecanização das terras agricultadas (arações, gradagens, sulcagens e subsolagens) na agricultura familiar, principalmente no semiárido nordestino, tem sido feita desorientadamente no que se refere a topografia dos solos. essa pratica diminuiu o trabalho manual, mas provocou empobrecimento dos solos, redução da produção e da produtividade, degradando não só o meio ambiente, mas também a economia de quem as praticava, tornando-se uma atividade de prejuízo. com o uso do "nivelador de faixas de plantio agrícola" espera-se reverter essa situação, com a mecanização em faixas de nível, formando sulcos ou calhas niveladas para reter e manter a água das chuvas e os nutrientes nas raízes das plantas por mais tempo, permitindo melhor e maior crescimento das mesmas. assim sendo, promover-se-á a recu