1. A medical device comprising a body (1) for squeezing a blood vessel, said body (1) having an elongated cylindrical shape, is hollow and has openings at the ends, a holding element (2) for attaching the body (1) to the patient's limb in the area contact of the body (1) with the limb of the patient, means of fastening (3) to hold the device in the desired position on the limb of the patient, said body (1) having a first compression region (1a) for applying a compressive force to the blood vessel a contact portion located within the first compression region (1a), said first compression region (1a) being located on the outer surface of the housing (1), at least one second compression region (1b) by which the housing (1) is pressed, with the help of the retaining element (2), to the patient’s limb, wipe the compression region (1c), which can be manually pressed to control compression during application of the device to the patient’s limb, said third compression region (1c) being located on the inside of the housing (1) .2. The medical device according to claim 1, wherein the first compression region (1a) is convex. A medical device according to claim 1, wherein the ends of the body (1) are beveled. 4. A medical device according to claim 1, wherein the longitudinal section of the body (1) is a parallelogram, and the cross section of the body (1) is an ellipse. A medical device according to claim 1, wherein the longitudinal section of the body (1) is a trapezoid and the cross section of the body (1) is an ellipse. 6. Medical device1. Медицинское устройство, содержащее корпус (1) для сдавливания кровеносного сосуда, причем упомянутый корпус (1) имеет удлиненную цилиндрическую форму, является полым и имеет отверстия на концах, удерживающий элемент (2) для прикрепления корпуса (1) к конечности пациента на участке контакта корпуса (1) с конечностью пациента, средство (3) застегивания для удержания устройства в желаемом положении на конечности пациента, причем упомянутый кор