M amp, eacute, are provided to treat Fabry's disease in patients. Some M amp; eacute; all of which are associated with patients with Fabry's disease who have not been treated with ERT before or before treatment. Some M amp; eacute; eacute; all of which include 100 to about 150 mg of free radical equivalent between migrastadt and migrastat for enhancing and / or stabilizing function; oacute; n cardiaca. lt; P gt; and;<;p>;SE PROVEEN MÉ;TODOS PARA EL TRATAMIENTO DE LA ENFERMEDAD DE FABRY EN UN PACIENTE. CIERTOS MÉ;TODOS SE RELACIONAN CON EL TRATAMIENTO DE PACIENTES CON ENFERMEDAD DE FABRY QUE SE HAN SOMETIDO O QUE NO SE HAN SOMETIDO PREVIAMENTE A UNA ERT. CIERTOS MÉ;TODOS COMPRENDEN ADMINISTRAR AL PACIENTE ENTRE APROXIMADAMENTE 100 MG Y APROXIMADAMENTE 150 MG EQUIVALENTES DE BASE LIBRE DE MIGALASTAT PARA AUMENTAR Y/O ESTABILIZAR LA FUNCIÓ;N CARDIACA.<;/p>;