Herbicidal Synergistic composition comprising flazasulfuron or its Salt and at least one urea Compound selected from the group consisting of tebuthiuron,Diuron metobromuron and Method for controlling harmful plants; or inhibit its Development comprising applying Said composition.
Herbicidal Synergistic composition comprising flazasulfuron or its Salt and at least one urea Compound selected from the group consisting of tebuthiuron,Diuron metobromuron and Method for controlling harmful plants; or inhibit its development which comprises applying the composition.<;p>;Composició;n herbicida siné;rgica que comprende flazasulfuron o su sal y por lo menos un compuesto de urea seleccionado del grupo que consiste en tebutiuron, diuron y metobromuron; mé;todo para controlar plantas perjudiciales o inhibir su desarrollo que comprende aplicar dicha composició;n.<;/p>;