A new and distinct Echeveria cultivar named ‘Petra's Beauty’ is disclosed, characterized by thickened, silvered dark purple-green leaves with the apices blushed with a color that is similar in appearance to a metallic rose. The new cultivar can be grown in a variety of pot sizes, from 2.5 inch through 2 gallon, due to free offsetting in combination with a compact plant morphology. The new cultivar ‘Petra's Beauty’ can be propagated by leaf cuttings. The new variety is a Graptoveria, cheveria, part of the Crassulaceae complex that includes Aeonium, Crassula, Graptopetalum, Pachyphytum, Sedum and others. The new variety would typically be produced as a container plant for the patio or as landscape plants, as well as a variety of ornamental purposes.