The present invention relates to an assist device for helping soft shaping the breast after an augmentation surgery, its main structure includes an ergonomic abutting body for being pasted comfortably to cover the lower edge of the upper arm, and for the upper arm to lean against on, and a lever body pivoted mutually with the abutting body, whereby when a user wishes to undergo a breast shaping process after the augmentation surgery, she can place the abutting body at the lower edge of the upper arm, while the other hand holding the lever body terminal to operatively control the angle of the lever body so that it can be pressed, based on the leverage principle, to exert force to squeeze the silicone bags down to the chest in all directions to go against the capsular contraction force, thereby achieving the soft shaping effect that results in the appearance of a plump chest.本發明為有關一種隆乳術後幫助乳房柔軟塑形的一種輔助器,主要結構包括有一符合人體工學,且用來服貼包覆人體上臂下緣、並供人體上臂進行抵靠的抵持體及一與該抵持體相互樞接的桿體,藉此,俾當使用者欲進行術後乳房之塑形時,得以將該抵持體置於上臂下緣,而該另一手握住該桿體終端進行操作,以藉此控制該桿體之角度加以槓桿原理來進行下壓作動,施力將矽袋有效往胸部下方各角度擠壓去對抗莢膜收縮的力量而達到柔軟塑形效果,以讓胸部外觀具有飽滿效果者。10...抵持體11...樞接件20...桿體