1. Use of sodium metaarsenita for manufacture of a medicament for the treatment of treatment-resistant forms raka.2. Application of sodium metaarsenita according to claim 1, wherein the corresponding medicinal product is intended for oral vvedeniya.3. Application of sodium metaarsenita according to claim 2, wherein the composition of the medication is selected so that the amount administered corresponded to its sodium metaarsenita dosage of from 0.1 to 20 mg / kg.4. Application of sodium metaarsenita of claim 1 wherein the appropriate form of cancer is resistant to treatment taksanom.5. Application of sodium metaarsenita according to claim 1, wherein corresponding to treatment-resistant form of cancer is a form of lung cancer or brain cancer mozga.6. Application of sodium metaarsenita according to claim 1, wherein corresponding to treatment-resistant form of cancer is leukemia, myeloma or limfomoy.7. Application of sodium metaarsenita according to claim 1, wherein corresponding to treatment-resistant form of cancer is a form of prostate cancer zhelezy.8. Application of sodium metaarsenita consisting of an anticancer agent for the treatment or prevention of cancer recurrence in patsienta.9. Application of sodium metaarsenita according to claim 8, wherein the patient is in remission of cancer after zabolevaniya.10. Application metaarsenita sodium of claim 8, wherein the patient has recovered, or is recovering after a surgical operation to the removal of cancerous kletok.11. Application of sodium metaarsenita for preparing a pharmaceutical composition for the reduction or complete destruction of cancer stem cells in patsienta.12. Sodium metaarsenita Use according to claim 11, wherein the respective cancer stem cells are resistant1. Применение метаарсенита натрия для производства лекарственного препарата для лечения устойчивых к лечению форм рака.2. Применение метаарсенита натрия по п.1, где соответствующий лекарственный препарат предназначен для орального введения.3. П