Method controlled anesthesia, consisting in that the paravertebral patient area through the skin, subcutaneous fat administered epiduralpuyu needle through which the push catheter through which serves anesthetic preparation than transmit blockade patient pain of nerve fibers in the brain of the patient, resulting in which after 15-30 minutes start operating steps, characterized in that when the preparatory operation in the lower zone infracostal patients chest by fastening to the inner portions ribs patients chest, is inserted into a vessel filled with anesthetic drug made from an elastic resilient material compatible with the tissue of the patient having a chamber of injection of the anesthetic drug in the epidural zone patients spine through the catheter dressed at one end to the discharge chamber nozzle injecting an anesthetic drug, and the other end with terminal valve, when inserted into the epidural preparatory operation zone of the patients spine, as well as having an injection chamber provided with nnuyu sprung lid-piston after completion of the preparatory operation when intolerable pains, bring to a site of the chest, where the ribs secured container filled with anesthetic drug from outside the patients chest, the electromagnet pulsed include his than attract ferromagnetic core infused into the cover -porshen chamber injection anesthetic drug, the electromagnetic force moving the cover-piston chamber than close the injection of the anesthetic preparation, with further movementСпособ регулируемой анестезии, состоящий в том, что в околопозвоночную зону пациента через кожу, подкожную жировую клетчатку вводят эпидуральпую иглу, через которую проталкивают катетер, по которому подают анестезирующий препарат, чем осуществляют блокаду передачи болевых ощущений пациента по нервным волокнам в мозг пациента, в результате чего через 15-30 мин начинают операционные действия, отличающийся тем, что при проведении подготовительной операции в нижнюю подреберную зону грудно