A method and system for processing whole hemp stalks is disclosed.According to one aspect of the present invention, the method and system use anentirety of the whole hemp stalks in producing the particulate hemp such thattheparticulate hemp comprises both bast fiber and hurds collectively defining ashive ofthe original whole hemp stalks. According to another aspect, cannabinoid oilisextracted from processed hemp which is better suited for transportation thanthe wholehemp stalks. Moreover, used processed hemp generated from the step ofextractingthe cannabinoid oil, which is deprived of the cannabinoid oil initiallycontained therein,may be reused. According to another aspect, hemp crumbs or crumbles areprocessedfrom whole hemp stalks or from particulate hemp which is larger than the hempcrumbssuch as hemp pellets. The hemp crumbs may be formed by crushing the hemppellets.