The present invention regards an orthopedic device to be associated with the outside of a bone and of the type comprising a support rail, extended along a central longitudinal axis substantially parallel to the bone, at least two clamps mounted slidably along the axis on the support rail and supporting endosseous screws insertable into the bone, and a distractor/compressor device removably attachable to the two clamps by means of respective connection pins inserted into corresponding holes of each clamp, wherein each clamp comprises a clamp body having a base or lower jaw and a lid, or upper jaw as well as two screws for fixing the upper jaw to the lower jaw Advantageously the holes for the connection pins are aligned along a line that is extended substantially parallel to the axis with at least one hole for the connection pins of the remaining clamp also being aligned along the line, thus making the overall structure of the clamps mounted on the orthopedic device particularly compact.