Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "ЭверестМД" (RU)
Баландин Сергей Игоревич (RU),Дашков Алексей Константинович (RU),Парамонов Илья Вячеславович (RU)
1. A system for monitoring the state of the cardiovascular system, comprising at least one information collection device and one of the primary data processing device connected to a computer network channels transfer data from cloud data processing system, as the information collection device may be used any professional and household, stationary and mobile blood pressure measuring device and the human heart, the connection information collection device with a primary data processing system possibly over wireless channels using a graphic image recognition technology with the display device information acquisition and with MDI results of changes to the system, the primary data processing device is adapted to automatic and / or automated processing of the pressure and pulse, and produces associating incoming data with an individual user identifier, a data collection time and the current geographical position, the primary data processing device has Br ennoy system displaying the information collected, as well as the construction and submission of statistical reports based on it, the primary over a computer network communication channels, the data processing device may transmit the collected data to the server storage of data in a global network, where it can later be used by medical staff and automated systems diagnostics to aid in the treatment of patsientov.2. The system of claim. 1, characterized in that the device comprises a primary data input device1. Система мониторинга состояния сердечно-сосудистой системы человека, содержащая, по меньшей мере, одно устройство сбора информации и одно устройство первичной обработки данных, соединенное каналами передачи данных вычислительной сети с облачной системой обработки данных, в качестве устройства сбора информации допускается использовать любые профессиональные и бытовые, стационарные и мобильные устройства измерения артериального давления и пульса человека, соединение устройств сбора информации с системой первичной обраб