A composition comprising (i) a complex Halide (or Trialquil amino acid Glycine and cysteine and Zinc (ii), useful for the removal of bacteria, reducing perspiration and / or reduction of body odor, or to Oral Care, among others.
Provided is a personal cleansing composition for application to the skin which comprises a zinc X halide present in an amount to provide at least 0.36 weight % of the composition of zinc, and a surfactant, wherein X is an amino acid or trimethylglycine. Methods of making and using the compositions are also provided. The zinc X halide is can be used to deliver zinc salts to reduce or prevent sunburn, kill bacteria, or reduce perspiration.<;p>;LA SOLICITUD SE REFIERE A UNA COMPOSICIÓ;N QUE COMPRENDE I) UN COMPLEJO DE HALURO DE (AMINOÁ;CIDO Ú; TRIALQUIL GLICINA) Y ZINC Y II) CISTEÍ;NA Y A SU USO EN LA ELIMINACIÓ;N DE BACTERIA, REDUCCIÓ;N DE LA TRASPIRACIÓ;N, REDUCCIÓ;N DEL OLOR CORPORAL O PARA EL CUIDADO ORAL ENTRE OTRAS<;/p>;