Diffusion cap for surgical unit in hospital, has porous wall diffusing laminar air flow, and compensation area forming angle with horizontal component so as to diffuse air in direction of zone located under area of porous wall
The cap (3) has a porous wall (11) diffusing a laminar air flow. The porous wall includes an area that is intended to be in close relationship with an upper face (20) of a suspended equipment i.e. turntable (13). A compensation area forms an angle with a horizontal component so as to diffuse air in the direction of a zone located under the area of the porous wall. A marginal area is located beyond the compensation area with regard to the area of the porous wall. A transition area is arranged between the compensation area and the marginal area. Independent claims are also included for the following: (1) a method for diffusing air through a porous wall (2) a surgical unit.Le plafond diffuseur 3 est placé au-dessus de la table d'opération 2 et de la platine supérieure 18 d'un appareillage d'imagerie 13. La platine 18 déforme l'écoulement laminaire issu d'une première région 21 de la paroi poreuse 11 du plafond 3. Il est prévu de chaque côté de la première région 21 une région de compensation 26 qui produit un flux de compensation 25 qui forme avec le premier flux 23 dévié, un flux résultant sensiblement vertical accéléré 28 mais restant dans la gamme de vitesse du laminaire.