Fikstur til fiksering af toiletpose.Fikstur til fiksering af toiletpose, hvor fiksturet omfatter i det mindste en flad skive, hvor skiven i det mindste omfatter 1 åbning til montering af toiletpose over åbning i toiletsæde og hvor skiven har en vilkårlig ydre kontur hvorom toiletposen fastholdes mod toiletsædet. Fiksturet kan omfatte en anordning på undersiden til at fastholde åbning på fikstur over åbning i toiletsæde.Fixing bag for fixing toilet bag. Fixing bag for fixing toilet bag, where the fixture comprises at least one flat washer, where the washer comprises at least 1 opening for mounting a toilet bag over an opening in the toilet seat and where the disk has an arbitrary outer contour which the toilet bag is held against toilet seat. The fixture may comprise a device on the underside for retaining opening on fixture over opening in toilet seat.