The present Invention is directed to a composition in Solution (often an aqueous solution) comprising a combination of molecular iodine (I2) and an acceptable source of iodate (IO3) and acid (inorganic and organic), in which iodide and IODATE are present in the composition In a molar ratio of about 0.1 to about 25.Where the concentration of molecular iodine in a complex quantity is not effective as a Disinfectant, biocide and / or antimicrobio (depending on the end use of the composition) and the acid concentration in the composition is effective to provide a pH buffer in the composition Range and Between about 1.5 and around 6.5.The compositions according to the present Invention are stable for extended periods inesperablemente during Storage (up to about 5 years) and are useful as Germicidal Disinfectant Solutions, and / or Biocides (e.g., antiviral, antibacterial, Antifungal, antiespo Ras, etc.) for various surfaces and Solutions, including Living and inanimate surfaces and are particularly useful due to its low cost, reduced use of Iodine, its activity (given the high concentration of molecular iodine free Solution), its lower Environmental Impact, their stability in storage This long term and Lower toxicity.La presente invención se dirige a una composición en solución (a menudo, una solución acuosa) que comprende una combinación de yodo molecular (I2) y una fuente aceptable de yodato (IO3) y un ácido (inorgánico u orgánico), en la que yoduro y yodato se encuentran presentes en la composición en una relación molar de alrededor de 0,1 a alrededor de 25, donde la concentración de yodo molecular no en complejo es una cantidad eficaz como desinfectante, biocida y/o antimicrobio (dependiendo del uso final de la composición) y la concentración de ácido en la composición es eficaz para proporcionar un pH amortiguador en la composición que oscila entre alrededor de 1,5 y alrededor de 6,5. Las composiciones de acuerdo con la presente invención son estables para almacen