FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: method for determining a pattern of ablation of the cornea for the treatment of presbyopia of the human eye includes: determination of the nonzero value of the induced aberration for the presbyopic human eye; and the use of a ray tracing process to determine a pattern of ablation of the cornea determining the volume of corneal tissue, when removed from the eye, the eye retains a certain value of the induced aberration. In this case, the determination of the nonzero value of the induced aberration involves introducing into the eye model a focusing tube of a selected diameter and length; ray tracing is performed using preoperative eye refraction measurement data, preoperative eye aberration, topography of the cornea of the eye, one or more optical-geometric parameters of the eye and one or more parameters pertaining to the pupil; and the ray tracing process is used to determine the ablation pattern of the cornea to produce a focusing tube. Method for treating presbyopia of the human eye includes an additional step of moving the laser focusing point above the irradiated surface of the corneal tissue to remove the corneal tissue in accordance with a particular ablation pattern. Method of creating a control program for ophthalmic laser equipment, while the control program contains commands that, with the help of the hardware control computer, allow the control of the optical system of the equipment to move the focused laser radiation within the target.EFFECT: application of this group of inventions will improve at least one of the following: vision at a short distance and long-range vision.6 cl, 2 dwgГруппа изобретений относится к медицине. Способ определения паттерна абляции роговицы для лечения пресбиопии человеческого глаза включает: определение ненулевого значения индуцированной аберрации для пресбиопического человеческого глаза; и применение процесса трассировки лучей для определения паттерна абляции роговицы, определяющего объем ткани рог