The invention relates to an injectable pharmaceutical composition comprising: (a) a drug substance (b) a polyethylene glycol and (c) a biocompatible and bioerodable poly(DL-lactide-glycolide) (PLGA) polymer (d) wherein the polyethylene glycol serves as a solvent for the PLGA polymer and (e) wherein the composition forms a gel phase when said composition comes into contact with water or bodily fluids.本發明係提供液體控制釋放之藥物遞送組合物,當凝膠一旦注射入體內時,可以於原位形成控制釋放之藥物植入物。本發明組合物之特徵為含有不溶於水之凝膠形成聚合物,溶解該聚合物之聚乙二醇溶劑,及欲遞送之藥物。