1. Device for activating the growth of the lower jaw, the upper jaw growth and promotion of the lower jaw, comprising: - a first rod (3) having a front end (9) and a rear end (10), - the second rod (4) having a front end ( 11) and a rear end (12), the first (3) and second (4) The rods are relatively stiff and have different lengths relative to one another, - the first joint (6) for connecting the front end (9) of the first rod (3 ) with a first dental arch rights - the second joint (8) for connecting the front end of the second rod (4) with the second dental arch person - a third joint (7) interconnecting the rear ends (10, 12) of rods (3 and 4) allowing the device goes from an open position to a closed position tracking, thus, the movement of opening and closing the jaws, characterized in that said third hinge (7) is intended for connection to the dental arch, bearing the shortest rod associated with elastic means to return the device in the closed position to provide a relative movement of the stocks mentioned lower arch relative to the top of the arc in the closed position chelyustey.2. Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the hinge axis of the first articulation (6) is intended for placement near the canine dental arch, the hinge axis of the second articulation (8) intended to be placed adjacent the first molar opposing dental arch, wherein said hinge axis third articulation (7) is placed in the occlusal plane in the closed position chelyustey.3. The apparatus of claim 1, by1. Устройство для активации роста нижней челюсти, роста верхней челюсти и выдвижения нижней челюсти, содержащее:- первый стержень (3), содержащий передний конец (9) и задний конец (10)- второй стержень (4), содержащий передний конец (11) и задний конец (12), при этом первый (3) и второй (4) стержни выполнены относительно жесткими и имеют различные длины один относительно другого- первое шарнирное соединение (6) для соединения переднего конца (9) первого стержня (3) с первой з