The present invention relates to a collaborative system of sub-aquatic vehicles (10) able to follow a submerged linear element (1, 33) capable of varying or of producing a magnetic field, comprising at least a first sub-aquatic vehicle (13, 37, 38, 39) intended for following the position of the linear element (1, 33), a second sub-aquatic vehicle (11, 35) comprising at least a first system able to indicate its position and at least a first means (28) of measuring said magnetic field able to indicate a first angle (26) measured between the vertical and a first direction (30) of said magnetic field, a third sub-aquatic vehicle (12, 36) comprising at least a second system able to indicate its position and at least a second means (29) of measuring said magnetic field able to indicate a second angle (27) measured between the vertical and a second direction (31) of said magnetic field, the first sub-aquatic vehicle (13, 37, 38, 39) being situated vertically or to the rear of the second and third sub-aquatic vehicle