The present invention relates to a screw anti-loosening spring, which prevents detachment of dental prosthesis due to loosening of a screw connecting an implanted material and an abutment in order to enhance the durability of upper dental prosthesis. The present generation comprises: a screw anti-loosening spring, and an inner surface design, which are formed to be compatible with the screw anti-loosening spring of a connecting screw and with an abutment.치과용임플란트에서 매식채와 어버트먼트를 연결하는 나사의 의도하지않는 풀어짐으로인한 보철물 탈락과같은 문제점을 해결하기 위한 발명이다. 이로써 상부보철물의 견고함을 유지할 수 있다.