The objective of this research was to develop an automatic swine manure spreading system. It is composed of a soil - surface - spraying unit, a soil - injection - spraying unit, a manure containing barrel and stirring unit, a ditch excavator and soil covering device. This machinery was carried by, and also get power from a farm tractor. The power supply of the hydraulic system was provided to stirring and draw unit inside the tank, spray or inject manure, lifting or fall the ditch excavator and soil covering device. This equipment is suitable for domestic farming in Taiwan. This system is suitable to spray / inject the untreated liquid manure on soil surface or into soil in the field, and the integration of manure processing and spreading can be realized.本創作之糞肥施用處理機,主要係在一輪型載具上設有一儲肥桶,於輪型載具相對於儲肥桶後方位置,設有一透過管路與儲肥桶連接的糞肥排放機組,於糞肥排放機組後方依序設有一犁溝機組及一覆土機組。俾獲致一種可供附掛於曳引機後方於農田間運行,可透過糞肥排放機組直接將糞肥噴灑於農田土壤表面,或進一步透過犁溝機組及覆土機組之運作,將糞肥植入農田土壤下方,藉以達到一貫化糞肥施用之目的。10‧‧‧曳引機20‧‧‧載具21‧‧‧載體211‧‧‧第一架體212‧‧‧第二架體213‧‧‧動力缸22‧‧‧連接架23‧‧‧載重輪30‧‧‧儲肥桶40‧‧‧糞肥排放機組41‧‧‧泵浦42‧‧‧灑佈裝置43‧‧‧糞肥排放管50‧‧‧犁溝機組51‧‧‧開溝犁60‧‧‧覆土機組61‧‧‧覆土犁70‧‧‧攪拌機組71‧‧‧攪拌桿72‧‧‧傳動組件721‧‧‧液壓馬達722‧‧‧鍊條齒輪