One Seed fruit objects clear Jie Machine, Department have a Let have a windrow Taiwan and one gather materials Taiwan Machine Body, Machine Body on Let has Side brushes before Number brushes Wheels, a Move power element, one, Side brushes Installed is set on Hou Side brushes and oneWherein, Move power element Hui Tapes Move Number brush Wheels makes the fruit object on Number brushes Wheels move Move to the ends Taiwan that gather materials from the ends windrow Taiwan at equidirectional Xuan Turn , AndFruit object moves Hui in Move Over journeys and is brushed by Number brushes Wheels, preceding Side bristle, the Hou Side brushed the bristles brushed and upper the Side bristle brushed, and can brush the effect of fruit object surface Fen Dust, soil , Da are at clear Jie fruits object.一種果物清潔機,係有一設有一堆料檯和一集料檯之機體,機體上設有數刷輪、一動力元件、一前側刷、一後側刷及一上側刷裝置;其中,動力元件會帶動數刷輪均成同方向旋轉,並使數刷輪上的果物自堆料檯端移動至集料檯端;果物移動的過程中會受數刷輪、前側刷的刷毛、後側刷的刷毛及上側刷的刷毛刷擦,可刷除果物表面的粉塵、泥土,達成清潔果物之功效。