Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe avtonomnoe uchrezhdenie "Mezhotraslevoj nauchno-tekhnicheskij kompleks "Mikrokhirurgiya glaza" imeni akademika S.N. Fedorova" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Rossijskoj Feder
Malyugin Boris Eduardovich,Малюгин Борис Эдуардович,Barabash Nikolaj Sergeevich,Барабаш Николай Сергеевич,Shkvorchenko Dmitrij Olegovich,Шкворченко Дмитрий Олегович,Anisimova Natalya Sergeevna,Анисимо
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention can be used to remove emulsified silicone oil (ESM) from the vitreal cavity during treatment of retinal detachment. 3 incisions are made in the projection of the flat part of the ciliary body with installation of 25 G caliber ports. Irrigation fluid is supplied under pressure into the vitreal cavity through one port, silicone oil is removed from the eye cavity through another one, and a light guide is introduced into the vitreal cavity through the third port for visual inspection. After silicone oil removal, irrigation fluid is replaced by air through the irrigation system, then the irrigation fluid is supplied away from the optic disc and the macular area, then air is replaced by irrigation fluid under pressure of 30 mm Hg, after which the irrigation fluid supply pressure is increased to 60 mm Hg., accompanied by continuous air aspiration, visual monitoring of optic disc vessels, excluding their surge. After the vitreal cavity is filled with irrigation fluid, PFOC is injected to the port level, then irrigation fluid supply is switched to air supply, a one-barrel cannula is injected through another port and installed in the irrigation fluid between the air and PFOC, while the emulsified silicone oil (ESM) mixed with the irrigating liquid is removed by active aspiration. The eye is tilted in various directions to remove ESM from the periphery, then the one-barrel cannula is completely immersed in the irrigation fluid and removed, ESM residues, adhered on the PFOC surface are removed using the same cannula immersed by 1/2-2/3 of its end cut to PFOC, and after complete ESM removal from the PFOC surface, cannula is immersed deep into the PFOC bubble, and ESM together with PFOC are completely removed while supplying air, these steps are repeated staring with PFOC introduction until the required ESM removal is obtained.EFFECT: method allows to reduce postoperative complications, such as secondary glaucoma, sluggish iridocyclitis, compl