Булдашов Александр Валерьевич (RU),Валик Андрей Владимирович (RU),Королев Андрей Петрович (RU),Нечипуренко Олег Анатольевич (RU),Черновол Алексей Николаевич (RU)
The invention relates to a device for photographing forensic traces at the scene. The technical result consists in the realization process of photographing the traces at the scene. Essence of the technical solution is to provide a portable apparatus including a camera, light sources and the power supply sources of light, characterized in that it comprises an opaque tube, tightly integrated with the camera so that the camera lens directed inside the tube, towards its opening end, wherein the length barrel along the optical axis of the lens exceeds the minimum distance to the focusing distance of the camera, a front illuminator formed by a group of light sources LAYOUT dix inside the tube around the camera lens, with a main direction of light along the optical axis of the illuminator lens and a side formed by a group of light sources arranged on a side surface inside the tube near its open end, with the main direction of light at an angle of 5-45 degrees to the plane of the open end tube. All fixtures and can emit visible and ultraviolet light. Front illuminator may be an array of LEDs in a ring shape. Side illuminator can be in the form of a linear illuminator and to be fixed on the platform, the platform being mounted on the inner surface of the tube to be movable along the optical axis of the lens to change the angle of illumination of the object oblique rays. All lighting groups can have radiation level control separately. 8 ZP f ly-6-yl.Полезная модель относится к устройствам для фотографирования криминалистических следов на месте происшествия. Технический результат заключается в реализации процесса фотографирования следов на месте происшествия. Сущность технического решения заключается в создании портативного устройства, включающего фотоаппарат, источники света и блок питания источников света, отличающееся тем, что содержит непрозрачный тубус, жестко скрепленный с фотоаппаратом так, что объектив фотоаппарата направлен внутрь тубуса, в сторону открытого его торца