The present invention relates to a hair care product comprising animals. More specifically, the present invention relates to a hair care product which comprises animals and is good to a scalp or hair. The hair care product of the present invention is produced by putting an animal extract or dried powder of animals. (The hair care product may include a hair dye, a hair permanent agent, a shampoo, an ampule, a conditioner, hair oil, a hair mist, a hair pack, a hair spray, a hair gel, a hair mousse, a hair lotion, and a hair cream.) All parts of animals are included, or one specific portion can be extracted as well.COPYRIGHT KIPO 20161.동물 즙액이나 동물 건조가루를 넣은 헤어 제품이다.(헤어염색약,헤어파마약,샴푸,린스,엠플,컨디셔너,헤어오일,헤어미스트,헤어펙,헤어펙,헤어스프레이,헤어젤,헤어무스,헤어로션,헤어크림이 있다.)2.동물의 모든 부위가 포함된다.어느 한부위를 추출할수 있다.