the present invention is a low power laser therapy (Low Level Laser Therapy) in the brain - the central organization by application in various diseases of the brain systems , such as stroke , traumatic brain disorder , Parkinsons disease , Al sseuha and disease, cognitive impairment , depression , sleep disorders, such as chronic aphasia two healing environment that allows non-invasive methods near-infrared light therapy (Transcranial Near-Infrared Light Therapy: TLT) relates to laser therapy for .본 발명은 저출력 레이져 요법(Low Level Laser Therapy)을 뇌-중추조직에 응용함으로서 제반 뇌신경 계통의 질병, 예를 들면 허혈성 뇌졸중,외상성 뇌장애, 파킨슨 병, 알쓰하이며 병, 인지장애, 우울병, 수면장애, 만성실어증 등을 비침습성 방법으로 치유할 수 있도록 하는 경두개 근적외선 치료(Transcranial Near-Infrared Light Therapy :TLT)를 위한 레이져 치료기에 관한 것이다.