A method is described the Cordyceps production cultured with tea, and their products. This method includes the following steps: Step 1 is that the fresh tea leaves after harvesting are heated to inactivate the endogenous enzymes, especially such as polyphenol oxidase Step 2 is that the tea liquid is prepared Step 3 is that Cordyceps mycelium is cultivated in the tea liquid medium Step 4 is that Cordyceps mycelium are growing in tea liquid Step 5 is that the final products are generated. With the aforementioned steps, it can provide a method which is an effective culture for Cordyceps growth, and the final products as Cordyceps, tea and rich active substances from tea and Cordyceps in tea liquid can be obtained by this method.一種以茶葉為基質培養北蟲草之方法及其產物,包含有如下步驟:茶葉殺青處理之步驟;製作茶液培養基之步驟;將北蟲草菌絲體接種植於茶液培養基中之茶葉上之步驟;北蟲草菌絲體培養成長之步驟;最終產物之生成;藉由上述方法步驟,俾提供一種可有效培養北蟲草生長之北蟲草培養方法,且可得北蟲草、茶葉及富活性物質之茶水等產物之北蟲草培養方法。