Disclosed is that to maintain a constant light which is a mark to assist walking for patients with impaired gait, by the target is not blurred to walk, to provide a walking aid function with wand that provides safety and security to the user to. A and wand body, a housing unit 4 attached to the body, a weight 3, which is connected to the housing part 4, and I is composed of a light source unit which is incorporated in the housing unit 4 makes a mark by a laser beam . Housing part weight 3, which is connected to the 4 and the housing unit 4 is rotated around the cane, operation or to poke a stick, by cane tilts, and weight 3 moves to cane backward is the slope direction, housing Part 4 is adjusted automatically direction by the tilt direction to move in the opposite to the stick forward, the orientation and position of the mark made by the light source does not change. As a method of keeping the light becomes a landmark constant, the use of the weight 3, and that the casing part 4 for emitting light is utilized that tries to keep the same posture as the balancing toy, using a complicated mechanism or electronic control without, it is possible to raise a similar outcome.BACKGROUND.【課題】歩行障害を持つ患者に対して歩くことを補助する目印となる光を一定に保つ事で、歩く目標がブレない事により、利用者に安全と安心を与える歩行介助機能付き杖を提供する。【解決手段】杖本体と、本体に取り付けられた筐体部4と、筐体部4に連結されている重り3と、筐体部4に内蔵されレーザー光により目印を作る光源部で構成する。筺体部4に連結されている重り3と筐体部4が杖の周りを回転し、杖を突く動作や、杖が傾く事により、重り3は傾き方向である杖後方へ移動すると、筐体部4は傾き方向とは逆に杖前方へ移動する事で向きを自動で調整し、光源により作られた目印の向きや位置が変わらない。目印となる光を一定に保つ方法として、重り3を用いる事で、光を発する筺体部4がやじろべえの様に同一姿勢を保とうとする事を利用する事で、複雑な機構や電子制御を用いることなく、同様の成果を上げる事が出来る。【選択図】図1