Khitaryan Aleksandr Georgievich (RU),Хитарьян Александр Георгиевич (RU),Melnikov Denis Andreevich (RU),Мельников Денис Андреевич (RU),Mezhunts Arut Vagramovich (RU),Межунц Арут Ваграмович (RU),Veliev
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to bariatric surgery. Nasogastric tube with diameter of 36Fr is introduced into the stomach, the balloon at the distal end of which has a latex elastic cylinder. When filled with air balloon is blown on one side, which is placed to posterior wall of stomach. Below, into the preformed retrohastral tunnel, a linear stapling device is introduced and the stomach is crossed in the transverse direction by 4.5 cm cassette, and then in the longitudinal direction by two 6 cm cassettes. Volume of stomach on latex balloon is formed by feeding air therein so that its volume corresponds to required volume of gastric stump. That is followed by ICG angiography of stomach stump vessels. Quality of blood supply of formed stump of stomach and vascular position of its posterior wall is determined in arterial phase, marking with electric cauter a place of incision of stomach stump for anastomosing with length of 3.5 cm between two distal arterial branches, without their traumatisation. Stomach and efferent intestinal loop are dissected in the marked place. Laparoscopic manual one-row gastroenteroanastomosis is formed by a non-traumatic absorbent suture 2.0.EFFECT: method enables avoiding development of inconsistency of gastric sutures by improving blood supply of gastroenteroanastomosis, standardizing the volume of stomach stump, reducing the number of recurrences and postoperative complications.1 cl, 1 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к бариатрической хирургии. В желудок вводят назогастральный зонд диаметром 36Fr, на дистальном конце которого имеется латексный эластичный баллон. При наполнении воздухом баллон раздувается с одной стороны, которой располагают его к задней стенке желудка. Ниже, в предварительно сформированный ретрогастральный тоннель, вводят линейный сшивающий аппарат и пересекают желудок в поперечном направлении кассетой 4.5 см, а затем в продольном направлении двумя 6-сантиметровыми кассетами.