A portable electrocardiograph includes a sensing unit and an process platform. The sensing unit having a signal wire is arranged to a patient for sensing the cycle of heart beat. The process platform having an application program serves to process and analyze the cycle of heart beat sensed by the sensing unit, the process result wil' be recorded and displayed. The process result will be transmitted through wire, wireless, Bluetooth transmission so that the initial symptom can be delivered to medical personnel. The process result can also be transmitted to data base of hospital server through network for advanced analysis so as to perform further diagnostic and treatment. The portable electrocardiograph is easily carried by patients so as to apply a self-diagnostic in time and inform medical personnel the latest condition for a complete diagnostic.本創作係提供一種攜帶式心電圖紀錄裝置,包含有一感測配件,配掛於病患身上,用以偵測病患之心律數據,且具有一訊號連接線;及一分析平台,內具有一應用程式,可將由感測配件輸入之心律數據進行粗略處理分析,並將分析資訊顯示結果做儲存且輸出顯示;藉此在使用上,將上述顯示於分析平台之粗略分析結果透過有線、無線或藍芽傳輸方式將第一時間資訊傳達給醫護人員診斷;或是透過網路連線醫護網站,將病患病情資料儲存在其診斷平台之資料庫,以提供醫護人員針對該分析結果進行更完整之分析與判讀,以利病情診斷。且由於本創作為方便病患攜帶使用之心電圖紀錄裝置,於第一時間不舒服時可進行自我檢測,避免延誤就醫,並將最新病情告知醫護人員,讓病情診斷更加完整。