The present invention relates to a glass container (100) comprising ascontainer partsi) a glass tube (101) with a first (102) and a further end (103), the glasstube (101) having awall thickness d w;ii) a glass bottom (104), wherein the glass bottom (104) closes the glasstube (101) at thefirst end (102);iii) a curved glass heel (105) extending from an outer area (106) of the glassbottom (104) tothe first end (102) of the glass tube (101);wherein the curved glass heel (105) is defined by an outer radius (r0), aninner radius (r i) and athickness of the glass (d h) in the curved glass heel and wherein thefollowing condition is ful-filled:d h3/(r o × d w) >; 0.8 mm.The present invention also relates to a process for the preparation of aclosed glass container(121), to a closed glass container (121) obtainable by this process and theuse of a glass con-tainer (100) for packaging a pharmaceutical composition.