The creation is directed at a three-dimensional taping fabric used for sports injury treatment, which comprises a series of raised folds and recessed gaps located between the folds. A reinforced rib to add pressure and support could be either further positioned at the top of each fold or be formed by directly compressing the top of the folds. Moderate pressure could be provided to the injured area by means of said raised reinforced folds in order to prevent further swelling and thus reduce continued pain. The three-dimensional structure formed from the raised folds and recessed gaps could be able to assist in locally fixing the injured joint. In addition, the present three-dimensional structure also possesses the functions of conduction and transmission that may promote lymphatic and blood circulation, improve swelling or hemorrhage of the injured portion, and promote the repair capacity of soft tissue.本發明係關於一種做為運動傷害處理用的立體貼紮布,具有複數條皺褶以及皺褶間的凹部間隙,其於貫穿該皺褶凸頂端處,可進一步包含或直接壓合形成一具增壓固定效果的加強肋。利用該強化皺褶提供受傷部位適度的壓迫,防止患部持續腫脹並減輕疼痛,而該強化皺褶與凹部間隙所形成的立體結構,除可局部固定受傷關節,並同時具導流與輸通的功效,進而促進淋巴與血液的循環,改善患部腫脹或內出血的現象,促進軟組織的修復能力。10...立體貼紮布11...皺褶16...加強肋20...內側層30...外側層