The invention relates to traumatology and orthopedics and can be used for the stable and low-trauma fixation of long bone fragments when a foreign body is present in the bone or in the event of osteomyelitis of the bone canal. The extracortical fixation set consists of a modified fixator consisting of an immersible part in the form of a hook-shaped curved claw having four edges, a toothed region and a pointed tooth oriented towards the inside of the claw, as well as a shank, wherein the curved claw of the fixator is connected by its base to a threaded rod provided with a sleeve and a nut, and the sleeve has a flat supporting platform at one end, said platform being perpendicular to the plane of the claw and having a pointed tooth at each end, two oppositely arranged right-angled protuberances that correspond to grooves in the threaded rod, and an angular recess, while the other end of the sleeve is provided with two openings arranged opposite one another in the plane of the claw mounting instruments are provided in the form of a six-sided handle connected by a bent rod to a hollow sleeve (instrument No.1) having two longitudinal right-angled protuberances and an angular recess at one end, or to a housing (instrument No.2), one part of which is in the form of a C-shaped bracket having a threaded opening and a screw on one side and a pin on the other side, while the other part is in the form of an L-shaped support.Linvention concerne la traumatologie et lorthopédie et peut sutiliser pour la fixation stable et moins traumatisante des fragments dun os long tubulaire lorsque celui-ci comporte un corps étranger ou en case dostéomyélite des canaux. Lensemble de fixation extracorticale comprend une fixation modifiée constituée dune partie immergée se présentant comme une patte incurvée crochetée dotée de quatre nervures, dune zone dentée et dune dent pointue tournée vers lintérieur de la patte, et dune partie queue, la patte incurvée de la fixation étant reliée par la base